Six on Saturday (15 June 2024)

Okay, I’ll take full responsibility for the weather last week. I had a week off work – so naturally the weather was going to take a turn for the worse. Having said that it, it was at least dry and reasonably sunny while exploring the Dorset coast earlier in the week, if a little chilly at times. Visits to Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens and the nearby Swannery were made, the latter proving to be particularly entertaining, what with the cute cygnets and all. Anyway, time for Six on Saturday.

1-3. First up, Linaria purpurea ‘Canon Went,’ which has seeded itself here, there and everywhere (as has its purple cousin). I may need to dig a few up at some point to keep them in check. The bees love it though. The deliciously scented Rosa ‘Friesia’ (with ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ in the background) is still blooming away, and behold! A new addition to the garden – Geranium cinereum ‘Ballerina’ has flowered. At least it’s meant to be ‘Ballerina.’ It doesn’t quite match the pictures online though which makes me wonder if I was supplied with something else in error. Perhaps the flowers develop a darker centre and paler petals as they age? We shall see.

4-6. Next up, a view of Ox-eye daisies, RedValerian and other flowers from the South West Coast Path at West Bay, Bridport, Dorset, the yellow Rockrose Iabellus-long-since-lostus, growing in the front garden, and the fragrant flowers of the Daphne x transatlantica ‘Pink Fragrance.’ The ‘pinkness’ of the flowers of the latter tends to vary as the year goes on. Earlier in the year they’re pinky-white but later flushes tend to be more whitey-pink, making them pretty much identical to the flowers of the Daphne x transatlantica ‘Eternal Fragrance’.

They were my Six on Saturday, a meme originally started by The Propagator. For more Sixes on Saturday, from all around the world, head over to the blog of the current Six on Saturday host, Jim.

19 thoughts on “Six on Saturday (15 June 2024)

  1. Those wild flowers are lovely – I have never seen valerian growing in the wild, except for a bit in urban areas that escapes from gardens perhaps. Your Linaria is glorious! I only seem to have purple left in my garden this year, although some buds have yet to open. I do like the pink one though.

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  2. I love Bridport and that Dorset coastline. We nearly headed down to Brownsea Island last week, but decided to leave it for another day as my foot wasn’t really up to a great deal of walking.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I hadn’t realised that there was a decent walk on Brownsea island. Parking in Poole put me off so I was contemplating getting a bus in, but it became complicated with the timings. I think next year we’ll base ourselves in Wareham. Good bus links from there to the coast.

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  3. Love the photo of the wild flowers on the coastal path, that must have been wonderful. A few of my plants came from Abbotsbury and the Swannery is a delight each time I have visited.


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