Six on Saturday (9 June 2018)

The garden is looking a little sorry for itself at the moment having suffered at the hands of one of the deadliest foes a garden can face. What was that? Slugs and snails? Oh yes, they’re still about and enjoying the phloxes. But no, not the slugs and snails. Aphids? Well, they’re wreaking havoc with the Philadelphus and attempting to set up home on the young lupin plants (which I’ve still not put in the ground yet). Pardon? The wood pigeon? Well yes, he’s snapped and flattened the pale pink Jacobs Ladder bought last year. No, this is a new foe and there have been plant casualties, sorrowful shakings of the head, sniffles (purely hayfever related) and… What was that? For goodness sake, get on with it and just tell us what deadly foe it is of which you speak? Oh, of course. Yes, sorry, tis the chocolate-hobnob-munching-and-endless-mugs-of-tea-drinking kind. Tis builders.

Very nice builders. Conscientious about their work too. And as a size 12 footed gardener I’ve inflicted the odd bit of accidental damage myself from time to time. But armed with scaffolding, ladders, guttering, power tools and steal toe capped boots, well, I guess the likelihood of the odd mishap is inevitable. Anticipating the worst, I dug up a few of the more vulnerable and prized plants that were most likely to be at risk, potting them up and moving them to a safer place. But the foxgloves, sweet williams and the buddleia that I’d grown as a standard have taken a bit of a bashing. And it’s only week one. Ah well.

Still, here are my Six on Saturday, and there’s a bit of a scented theme.

A perennial evening primrose grown from seed by one of my main suppliers of plants, my mum. The one she had was orange apparently, which this one most definitely isn’t. Still, the flowers glow in the evening light and the scent is lovely. They open in succession, but their beauty is quite fleeting as each flower only lasts a day or so.

A patio rose which reminds be a little of the dog rose. Again, a lovely scent, if you can crouch down far enough to sniff them. I have a label for it somewhere…

The Philadelphus Belle Etoile has had a troubled year so far. It was originally planted behind a hardy fuchsia (which was moved to another spot in the spring) but I hadn’t anticipated that in competing with the fuchsia (which gets surprisingly large despite being cut back each spring) the mock orange would get so tall and leggy. Covered with buds, I was reluctant to prune it back until after it flowered. Then the blackfly got to it. As there were too many to squash (I took my eye off the ball I’m afraid) I tried spraying them every day with a mixture of washing up liquid, water and thyme oil (which had worked on the green fly on the lupins) but this lot seemed more resistant and I gave up in the end.

It has still flowered but it looks a little sorry for itself from a distance. It has a lovely scent which always reminds me of my childhood as we had an orange blossom in the front garden. As soon as as it’s finished flowering the secateurs are coming out.

I have mixed feelings for this Jasminum humile ‘Revolutum’. It’s described as being highly fragrant but I’m not convinced it’s even slightly fragrant. My mum had one apparently and she did warn me that it would be a disappointment. I didn’t listen though, and she was quite right. I always hope I’ve misjudged it and nip out in the morning, afternoon and in the evening just in case it releases this highly fragrant scent at a specific magical time. But no. It does look good at the back of the garden though. Still, I’m tempted to replace it.

Now this is highly fragrant. Daphne x transatlantica (Eternal Fragrance). A heady scent which I think of as ‘flutey’ (don’t ask me why). And it flowers pretty much nonstop throughout much of the year. The flowers do well in a bud vase too, filling a room with its flutey scent.

And finally, another anonymous rose. This was a gift and was supposed to be a patio rose. However, it turned out to be a climber, and a lovely one at that.

Want to join in with the Six on Saturday posts but not sure how? Then take a gander at the site of the chap who started it all over at

12 thoughts on “Six on Saturday (9 June 2018)

  1. That philadelphus is beautiful. I can’t tell it’s bedraggled from the flowering photo, and I’m certain the fragrance makes up for it. The eternal fragrance daphne adds to your party of perfumes. Your builders must be in cahoots with our roof cleaners, who pretty much hid a chuckle when I asked if there would be any plant damage. They tried their best, but left their mark. Had to throw away a couple trays of heliotrope and scabious seedlings that I had left in a vulnerable spot.


    1. No, it looks impressive close up on the flowers like that. They are quite big compared to other mock orange flowers. But when the plant is seen as a whole it looks a bit of a mess. I’m hoping chopping will sort it out a bit, and allow me to get past it more easily to get to the bags of compost and lots down the side of the shed.

      You have my deepest sympathies regarding your roof cleaners. I bought a new pink version of the eternal fragrance Daphne. I decided not to plant it out until after the building work and thought I’d put in a safe place hidden near the swing seat. Found a branch snapped on it and soil from the pot on the ground and guttering resting nearby. It was a bit vexing!


  2. Mmmm daphne. I’ve never owned one but a lifetime ago at a nursery job the owner would order her favourite and to me it always smelled like the cereal froot loops. Yum. The evening primrose look lovely. Stretching up and that pop of yellow. Lovely.


    1. The eternal fragrance Daphne certainly earns it’s keep in a small garden and it coped well with the snow during the winter. Highly recommend it. It was a bit pricey initially for a very small plant, but it’s grown quite quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A very fragrant six! I feel your pain with the boots in your garden! I wince if anyone steps on my borders. There is an art to dancing with flowers isn’t there? You have to know what you’re doing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I love you’re comment regarding the art of dancing with flowers. I’m going to remember that.


  4. I’ve never seen a yellow evening primrose. I had the other in my garden, but had to dig it out as it ran everywhere while my back was turned. Maybe the yellow one isn’t invasive. Your last rose is absolutely perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just looked it up online and you could be right. It certainly looks likes New Dawn and matches the description. Thank you, much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

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